Great Tobago Island

Great Tobago is an uninhabited island of the British Virgin Islands in the Caribbean, located, along with sister island Little Tobago, approximately six miles west of Jost Van Dyke. Great Tobago and Little Tobago islands are protected as a national park, and, along with the nearby Mercurious and Watson Rocks, represent the western border of the British Virgin Islands.

Great Tobago contains the Caribbean's third largest population of nesting seabirds, including Magnificent Frigate Birds, Long-tailed Tropic Birds, Terns, Pelicans, and other species. Though it's legal to snorkel and dive around the island, it is illegal to anchor because all potential anchoring locations are coral reefs that would be destroyed by an anchor. Large fines can occur if you violate this no-anchor zone, which is frequently patrolled by the BVI Marine Police.

In the 1990s, a company from the neighboring United States Virgin Islands floated a proposal to build a waste dump on Great Tobago Island, but the proposal was turned down by the British Virgin Islands government.